
Showing posts from October, 2022

From Prayer Flags to Barbed Wire: a Week in Dharamsala

       While still in the US, Kevin clued me into the Dalai Lama's public event schedule.   I am not a practicing Buddhist nor do I fully understand the dharma of the Buddha, but I have a great reverence for the 14th Dalai Lama, his resilience and wisdom.  So when he announced a public teaching in October, I decided to go.  It would be my first trip outside of Delhi and a welcome change of pace.     In 2014, I first became exposed to Buddhism and the plight of the Tibetan people while trekking in Nepal.  Growing up I had seen the "Free Tibet" bumper stickers and flags, not knowing the relevance it had in our global politics or culture.  Until this week I had no knowledge of the continued struggles of Tibetan refugees and the current levels of oppression in Lhasa.  It's easy for me, as a westerner, to isolate foreign conflict into a box that doesn't "involve" me, however as His Holiness reminded us today, there is no individual or intrinsic  existence.  M