Convenience Currency
"Convenience currency" is my non-scholarly term for being able to buy almost any service - food delivery, grocery delivery, home cook, cleaner, laundry service (not just dry cleaning), driver, etc. While the American in me says this is lazy and pretentious, it is commonplace for middle class Delhiites to have at minimum a house cleaner and cook. There's an element of mutualism to the arrangement - that you are providing employment to someone who needs it and your time is freed up for health, family or career. The guesthouse where I'm staying employs two young men - a cook and cleaner, so I guess in some capacity I do as well. Rolls & fries from Kolkata Kathi Roll However, for three weeks I avoided using the delivery services for fear of my credit card not working, lack of Hindi not explaining something correctly and being seen as lazy (not really sure by whom). On more than one occasion I had people tell me to solely rely o...